The APM’s Asset microservices provide REST endpoints to create, update and query your industry-specific asset model and data. These microservices provide endpoints to ingest, track and retrieve asset data for use in the asset micro app, other microservices and micro apps that can consume this asset data.
The following APM Asset REST API microservices resource endpoints are described in this guide:
Please note throughout this documentation all parameter names and base paths(URIs) are case sensitive. |
All CRUD operations are performed within the context of a tenant. Every request header must include the authorization header and the tenant UUID. |
HTTP verbs
The Asset microservice adheres to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its use of HTTP verbs.
Verb | Usage |
Retrieves a resource. |
Creates a new resource. |
Updates an existing resource, including partial updates. |
Deletes an existing resource. |
HTTP Status Codes
APM Asset adheres to standard HTTP and REST conventions in its use of HTTP status codes. The following HTTP status codes provide information to help troubleshoot possible errors.
When you receive an error response (status code >= 400), the body contains a JSON object that describes the problem. Review the response body for additional information on the type of error that occurred. For example, you receive an error if you do not attach a ZIP file, or if your request contains invalid query syntax or operators. |
Status code | Usage |
The request completed successfully. |
A new resource has been created successfully. Check the |
An update to an existing resource has been applied successfully. |
The request was completed successfully. Only partial content was retrieved as part of the response. In order to get the next set of data, inspect the value of "Link" response header. Extract only the content between angle brackets(<>) and use this url to get next set of objects. Keep inspecting this header, until you get HTTP status 200. |
The request was not formatted appropriately. The response body includes additional information on the type of error that occurred. |
The request has failed authentication as the provided credentials are either invalid or were not provided. This can also happen when the token expires. |
The user is not authorized to retrieve the requested resource. |
The requested resource was not found. It can mean that the resource you have requested for was not created on the server side. |